200 CLUB


You can join our 200 club for just £2 per month with a minimum annual subscription of £24 by completing the form below. All proceeds go direct to Little Gillies to help us continue improving the facilities at the centre, and you could be in with a chance of a monthly cash prize.

Your £24 buys you one membership number (allocated by us) which enters you into the monthly cash prize draw for 12 months. There is no limit to the number of membership numbers per household, as long as we have your cleared payment in our account, prior to that month’s draw. Eg 2 numbers = £48pa, 3 = £72pa, 4 = £96 etc). Non-payment may result in membership numbers being reallocated.

The draw for first, second and third prizes will be made by computerised random selector and will take place on within 3 days after the 1st of each month The total prize money each month will be 45% of the membership fee taken for that month’s draw.

Assuming all 200 numbers are allocated the monthly prizes will be 1st prize = £100 (25% of prize fund), 2nd prize = £60 (15% of prize fund), 3rd prize = £20 (5% of prize fund).  The remaining 55% goes to help fund Little Gillies. NB this will be pro rata to the amount of membership fees received so may go down, but hopefully with the communities continued support, will increase over time.

We will contact you, within 7 days of the draw, if you are one of the lucky winners that month.   Your winnings will be paid by the method indicated on your entry form.

The winners’ names will also be published on our website and social media unless you have told us you wish to remain anonymous.

The Little Gillies 200 club is a Small Society Lottery (registered with North Norfolk District Council = Reg No. SSL069) and is open to anyone age 16 or over.

On receipt of your entry form we will confirm your allocated membership number(s) along with details on how to pay – thank you for your support and good luck 🦀

200 Club Entry Form

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