Opening Times:
Little Gillies Day Care is available from 9.00 am until 3.00pm, Monday to Friday for children aged 3 months to 3 years. Term time only. As the setting becomes more established our aim is to extend the opening hours and to also provide a holiday club plus breakfast and after school care for children up to age 11.
Admission & Fees
If you would like to register your child with us, please follow the process detailed below:
Contact us to arrange a visit. This will give you a chance to look around our nursery, meet our staff and ask any questions you may have.
At the time of your visit you will be given a registration form to complete and return. On receipt of the form, we will place you on our waiting list. Please see our admissions policy (link below).
Once a place has been secured you will be invited in again to discuss with your child’s key person a settling in plan for your child. You will get the chance to discuss your child’s care and will be asked to fill an ‘All About me’ booklet together, so we get to know all about your child. At this time, we will also arrange your free 2 x 2 hour ‘settling in sessions’, these are to help your child settle with us.
Before your child starts at Little Gillies you will be asked to sign a contract, which confirms your requirements and outlines the terms and conditions of the child care place offered.
Information on our current waiting list can be obtained by contacting the Little Gillies
We operate a waiting list. If a place is not available, we will notify you as soon as we have a vacancy. We accept children from outside our catchment area subject to availability. Please see our admissions policy.