Policies & Procedures
A copy of ALL our policies are available on request and are also on display on the parents notice board and in the main foyer or by contacting us on: manager@littlegillies.co.uk
1.0 Child Protection
1.1 Safeguarding
1.2 Childs’s rights
1.3 Looked after Child
1.4 Uncollected child
1.5 Missing child
1.6 Babysitting Policy
1.7 Social network
1.8 Whistle Blowing
1.9 Use of cameras and Mobile phones
1.10 Online safety
1.11 Child Protection forms
1.12 Modern slavery and Human trafficking
1.13 Prevent duty
1.14 Social Networking
2.0 Suitable People
2.1 Safer Recruitment
2.2 Staff uniform
2.3 Students
2.4 Volunteers
2.5 Working with your own children
2.6 Trustees
3.0 Staff
3.1 Induction of staff
3.2 Staff first aid
3.3 Supervision
3.4 Training and development
3.5 Staff code of conduct
3.6 Well being
3.7 Right to disconnect
3.8 Menopause
4.0 Key person
4.1 Key person
4.2 Settling in
4.3 Transition
4.4 Caring for babies and toddlers
4.5 Sleep policy
4.6 Tapestry
5.0 Ratio
5.1 Ratio
6.0 Children’s health
6.1 Children’s health
6.2 First aid
6.3 Infection control
6.4 Nappy changing
6.5 Food and drink
6.6 Food hygiene
6.7 Sickness and illness
6.8 Medication
7.0 Behaviour
7.1 Positive behaviour
7.2 Staff behaviour
7.3 Discriminative behaviour
7.4 Biting
8.0 Health and safety
8.1 Health and safety
8.2 Safety and security
8.4 Safety checks
8.5 Working in the office
8.6 Manual handling
8.7 Animals in the setting
8.8 Visits and outings
8.9 Sun policy
8.10 School collection
8.11 Alcohol and substance misuse
8.12 Critical incident
8.13 Lockdown policy
8.14 Adverse weather
8.15 Risk assessment
8.16 Environment sustainability
8.17 No smoking
8.18 Fire safety
9.0 Equality of opportunity
9.1 Equality and inclusion
9.2 Special educational needs
9.3 Quality provision
10.0 Organisation
10.1 Admissions policy
10.1a Fees & Charging
10.2 Data Protection
10.3 Record retention
10.4 Staff sickness
10.5 Disciplinary
10.6 Family friendly
10.7 Grievance
10.8 Anti bribery
10.9 Complaints and compliments
10.10 Financial management
10.11 Parents and carers as partners
10.12 Redundancy
10.13 Working with agencies
10.14 Subsidy rate
10.15 Open Door policy